About Our Church
Clinton United Church of Christ celebrating over 180 years of love for our church and our communityChurch History
The First Congregational Church of Clinton was organized on April 28, 1843. The land was donated by Kira Payne, and the current church building at 300 Tecumseh Road was completed the following October.
This church has weathered many a storm in its past and has stood the test of time. During the Civil War, it is said that the “pros and cons” sat on opposite sides of the church with grim faces and that one member established a station on the Underground Railroad to Canada. World War I and World War II also left their mark on the church as they did in the community.
And the church has continued to serve God by serving the community of Clinton and its people, throughout the ensuing 180 years.
Who We are Today…
In many ways, the UCC is the first truly American denomination, coming together from four separate denominations in 1957. It hasn’t been easy, but in John 17:21 we hear these words from Jesus, “that they may all be one (a)s you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us; so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (NRSV).
Each UCC church is autonomous and self-governing with its own constitution and bylaws.
As individual members, we are free to believe and act in accordance with our own perception of God’s will for our lives.
At Clinton UCC, we are community minded and mission driven. Our monthly missions support the wider church as well as local concerns in Clinton and throughout Lenawee County.
Our Beliefs and Values
God is Still Speaking in worship, prayer, and song.
We believe in inclusion.
All have been called by God to share their special talents as they see fit.
The study of the Scripture is not limited by past interpretations but is to be pursued with expectancy for new insights and help for living today.
Each congregation is free to act in accordance with the collective decisions of those attending, guided by the working of the Spriit in the light of the Scriptures.
Our Staff
Our Pastor – Pastor Marsha McFadden Quick
A native of suburban Detroit, Pastor Marsha spent years as a bilingual (Spanish/English) editor in a legal research firm in Tucson, Arizona. After hearing God’s call to ministry, she left behind the southwest and attended McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, graduating with a Master of Divinity degree in 2006. She is ordained in the United Church of Christ.
She spent nearly two decades as a chaplain in both hospital and hospice, serving in New Orleans, Los Angeles, Phoenix and Santa Barbara CA before God called her to parish ministry here in her home state.
Pastor Marsha is a lifelong student and firmly believes the wise words of pilgrim John Robinson, who wrote that “the Lord hath more truth yet to break forth out of His Holy Word.” She also encourages all members of the church universal to hone their gifts, as we are a priesthood of believers.
In her spare time, she enjoys both baking and cooking, movies, music and long walks with her dog Gracie.
Our Employees
Delores Simpson
Diane Schuler
Carolyn Dicks
Organist/Music Director
Our Council & Teams
Clinton United Church of Christ is lead by elected members to the Church Council. The officers are Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer and two Council Members-at-Large. A representative from each Team is also on the Church Council. They are governed by a Constitution and By-Laws approved by those attending church.
Our Council Members
Marsha Kershner
Glenn Burkhardt
Assistant Moderator
Diane Schuler
Delores Simpson
Earl Cook
Member at Large
Luann Stewart
Member at Large
Dick Graham
Worship Team Rep
Celeste Waltz
Building & Grounds Rep
Administrative Documents
Constitution & Bylaws
Annual Report
Boards & Teams
Weddings & Rentals
Please contact us for more information on renting the Church for weddings and other events. Please also refer to the Wedding Brochure provided below. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Sunday 9:45 AM
Live Stream 9:40 AM
300 Tecumseh Rd.
Clinton, MI 49236
Phone & Email
(517) 456-4363
Pastor's Hours
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Other Times By Appointment
Office Hours
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM